School Reduced Meal Price Guideline Increase & General Meal Price Increase

We have all experienced it the last 3 years. Grocery stores, construction, residential services, retail, prices have increased. Labor and material prices have increased. All of this has been felt by our food service department at our schools. For all of these reasons we will be increasing our breakfast and lunch prices by $0.25. Our meal prices have not seen an increase since the 2015-2016 school year.

Over the years, our food service department has been amazingly efficient and is in good financial standing. Which is why the price increase is minimal. We are still drastically under the state department of education recommended meal price that many schools are held to if their food service department does not meet certain standards. Which ours has met and exceeded for years. The table below breaks down the change in relation to the recommended pricing.

2022-23 School Year2023-24 School yearState Dept Recommended Price
MS/HS Breakfast$1.50$1.75$2.73
MS/HS Lunch$2.50$2.75$4.25
PS/IS Breakfast$1.25$1.50$2.73
PS/IS Lunch$2.25$2.50$4.25

As you can see despite our $0.25 increase we are offering meals at less than a dollar of the recommended price. Which is only possible due to the diligence and efficiency of our food service team! It is also time to remind our community of the Free or Reduced Lunch Program. At least 70% of our student body SHOULD qualify for Free or Reduced Meal Prices. 

Any person who qualifies for Free or Reduced Meal prices will eat breakfast and lunch for free or at a reduced price of $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. Make sure you sign up by filling out the form at your child’s open house on August 3rd. The table outlining the income per household requirements for Reduced Meals can be found in the table below.

Household Size (total people)Monthly Income2x per month incomeEvery 2 weeks incomeWeekly income