We have been notified of more COVID-19 Positive staff cases today at Cleveland Primary, Intermediate, and Middle Schools. Due to the number of staff members in isolation and quarantine, ALL students in Cleveland Schools will be moving to Distanced Learning next week; November 16th through 20th. We are hoping with these next 2 weeks our staff and families will social distance, wear masks, continue to practice good hygiene, and utilize our After Hours COVID-19 Notification Hotline to inform us of any positive cases in our school family. With these actions by our community, we believe we can open successfully on November 30th. CHS and CMS will be on our modified A/B Schedule and the Intermediate and Primary buildings on their full schedules.
Please continue to read for instructions on Breakfast/Lunch Pickup instructions for next week, and our COVID-19 Hotline Information.
11/16-11/20 Distance Learning Breakfast/Lunch Pickup
Call your school’s main office by 9 AM on Monday in order to reserve your meal pickup for Monday at Noon.
Cleveland Virtual Academy or community/homeschooled students Breakfast/Lunch Pickup
Reserve your distance learning student’s FREE Breakfast & Lunch Pickup by calling your building’s main office each Friday by Noon. Pickup is Mondays from 9:00-9:30.
After Hours & Weekend COVID-19 Alert Hotline: 918-358-2210 ext 240
In order to make informed decisions as quickly as possible, we need valid information as quickly as possible. For this reason, we have implemented a new COVID-19 Alert Hotline. You will be able to call this hotline and leave a message any weekday from 4:30 PM – 7:00 AM, any weekend, and all holiday breaks. When calling, please leave the following information: Student Name, Student Status (contact, awaiting test results, or COVID Positive), day symptoms appeared (if applicable), and a callback number.
We believe this real-time information will allow us to keep our staff, and student body informed and as safe as possible. Thank you for your willingness to work with us.