Schedule Updates and Closure Information


Due to road conditions and bus routes remaining impassable, we are making the decision to have another Distance Learning Day tomorrow-Thursday, February 11.   There will be no school at all This Friday (2/12) and Monday (2/15).  We will continue to monitor weather conditions over the weekend and evaluate our bus routes on Monday afternoon to determine the possibility of school on Tuesday (2/16).  Come on sunshine!

As a district we are still monitoring COVID-19 and it’s impact on our school’s campus, community, and county. Oklahoma overall is still showing a decline in positive cases, so that’s good news.  Due to the steady number of cases in our community COVID-19 and the increase in cases in our district over the last 2 weeks, we are extending the high school and middle school A/B schedule for the next two weeks (Feb. 16 – Feb. 26).   At the MS & HS, had we not been on the A/B schedule this past 6 weeks, we would have most certainly had to move to full distance learning.  

Because we already have a scheduled day off on Monday, Feb. 15 for President’s Day and a scheduled Distance Learning day on Friday, Feb. 26, we will adapt our calendar to work with these previously scheduled days.

We have had many challenges to deal with this year.  Our poor weather just adds to the list.  We are incredibly thankful for the hard work of our staff and students, and the patience and resilience you, our parents, have shown us. Thank you! Stay safe and stay warm.

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