Resources and Information from the High School Counseling and Student Services Department

Contact the Counseling Department

    *** FAFSA Filing


    For more info visit

    FREE SAT Prep course

    Important Note for ACT Takers

    Students registering for the ACT are required to submit a recent photo for identification purposes by the photo deadline. Testers are required to submit both the registration ticket and an acceptable ID for admission to the test center on the test date.   Photos may be submitted by Computer, iPod touch,iPhone, or Android device. The photo is valid for 2 years and can be submitted at   Photo must be of only one person facing forward on a plain background with no dark glasses, face completely visible. Students who miss the photo submission deadline will not be able to take that test and will be charged a change of date fee to reschedule the test for another date.  Go to for more information. The deadline to Add, Change, or Cancel reports is noon, central time, on Thursday immediately following the regularly scheduled Saturday test date.

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    Scholarship Opportunities

    Free resources and Scholarship Searches:

    *** FAFSA Filing

    Scholarship & College/Career Information


    Established by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to assist students with tuition at Oklahoma Colleges. OHLAP money may be used to cover in-state undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities, certain vocational-technical courses or programs offered through “cooperative agreements” between public area technology center and Oklahoma public college or universities. It may also be applied toward a portion of tuition at accredited private colleges or universities in Oklahoma.

    OHLAP EligibilityOHLAP Participation

    • Must be an Oklahoma Resident
    • Must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA
    • Must be enrolled in 8th, 9th, or 10th grade in an Oklahoma Board Accredited school
    • Must not be involved in criminal activity, including drugs and alcohol
    • Family income not to exceed $50,000
    • Must attend school and do homework regularly
    • Must follow required 17 – unit curriculum
    • Apply for other financial aid during Senior year

    Oklahoma Colleges
    Accredited Online Colleges and Universities in Oklahoma





    OKC Metro

    Tulsa Metro

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