Cleveland Public Schools

Athletic Department

Emergency Action Plan

Cleveland Public Schools, Mercy Regional Ambulance Service and the Cleveland Fire Department have developed and prepared a plan for the provision of emergency medical services at athletic events or activities held at Cleveland School district facilities.  This plan shall be reviewed and updated annually as appropriate.  The plan is on file with the school district and with the emergency medical providers.  This plan is in compliance with H.B. 1801, “Riley’s Rule.”    

Cleveland Public Schools Emergency Action Plan:

  1. Cleveland Public School will provide Mercy Regional Ambulance Service and the Cleveland Fire Department with copies of all athletic events that will be hosted by the Cleveland Public School system for the 2021-2022 school year.  
  2. Scheduling will be worked out with the emergency medical service providers by administration of both the school and the providers.
  3. In the event that neither emergency medical service provider can attend the local sporting event, 911 is to be called immediately.
  4. Copies of individual site plans will be posted at each athletic location.
  5. The Emergency Action Plan is also posted on the Cleveland Public Schools webpage at 
  6. This plan will be rehearsed with local EMS providers and updated annually.

Emergency Contact Numbers:

Dr. Alan Baker, Cleveland Superintendent Office: 918-358-2210, ext. 205  

Daniel Brimmer, Athletic Director   Office: 918-358-2210, ext 701  

Chief Ryan Murray, Cleveland Fire Dept.  Office:  918-358-3112  Cell:  918-XXX-XXX

Brian Cook, Mercy Asst Chief for Cleveland   Office: 918-609-5827  

Clint Stout, Cleveland Police Dept.  Office:  918-358-3112

Jeremy Bartley, School Resource Officer Cell:  918-XXX-XXXX

This plan was reviewed and revised at the District Emergency/Safety Meeting on September 13, 2022 in consultation with school personnel and local emergency responders.  The plan will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary.

Billy Vessels Stadium

106 E. Kaw

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Ambulance Service)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Enter the complex at the southwest corner of the stadium.  The field can be accessed at the southwest corner.  

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Football Practice Field

600 N. Gilbert

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Event Center – SE corner of the the basketball floor)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Ambulance can enter the field from the SE corner of the facility.  Or an ambulance can park by softball field and enter through the NW gate.  

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office 918-358-2210 option 1
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Cleveland Event Center

324 N. Gilbert

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Event Center – SE Corner of the Basketball Floor)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Emergency Personnel can enter the site on the lower level through doors on the NE, NW, W, or East side or the event center.    

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell  
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

High School Basketball Gym

323 N. Gilbert

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (SE corner of the multi-purpose room, next to cafeteria serving window.)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Ambulance may park in the circle drive in front of the school and enter through the main doors.  

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Cleveland Middle School Gym

322 N. Gilbert

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Located in the hallway directly east of gym doors.  East side of south hallway)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Ambulance can park in the front of the building and enter the gym through the south facing double doors.  

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Baseball/Softball Facility

1200 N Crestview

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Event Center – SE Corner of the basketball floor)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Enter the complex at approximately 1200 N. Crestview.  Both baseball and softball fields have field acces at their NW corner.    

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) – 918-399-7178 Cell
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Cleveland Middle School Practice Football Field

323 N. Gilbert

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Middle School hallway adjacent to the gym.  East side of the south hallway)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Ambulance can drive down the bus service road north of the middle school and park directly in front of the football field.  Field is directly behind the middle school at 324 N. Gilbert.  Field can also be accessed off of Swan Drive.   

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) -918-399-7178 Cell 
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Keystone Golf & Country Club

2799 S Airport Road

Cleveland, OK   74020


  1. First to arrive on scene provides first aid.
  2. Send a coach, manager or uninjured athlete to notify the administrator in charge (AIC).
    1. Locate the on-site AED (Ambulance)
  3. If the AIC is not on site, the head coach will become the leader
  4. Head coach is responsible for keeping all emergency medical forms for each athlete on site at all times. 

Designated Leader:  AIC (or head coach if AIC not on site)

  • Will be in charge of the emergency situation and will instruct all others on the emergency team.
  • Will always carry a cell phone to call Emergency Medical Services
  • Will inform the dispatcher of:
    • The nature of the injury and the age of the athlete
    • The location of the athlete and directions to the site
    • Will stay on the line with the dispatcher until the dispatcher advises him/her to hand up.
  • Will designate assistant coach to meet ambulance at field entrance

Ambulance Entrance:

  • Ambulance can pull into the parking lot.  Would be able to access most of the course by driving.   

Person Responsible to meet EMS:

  • Assistant coach designated by the AIC or head coach.
    • Will contact any necessary staff to assure access for the ambulance
    • Will meet the ambulance at the designated entrance and lead them to the injured athlete.

Person to accompany the athlete to the hospital:

  • Head Coach or an assistant designated by the head coach.
    • With the medic’s permission, will ride with the athlete in the ambulance to the hospital if parents are not on site.
      • If denied permission, will follow in a personal vehicle (or school vehicle if readily available).
    • Will provide hospital with athlete’s emergency medical information.

Responsibilities of the Leader:

  • Immediately call the athlete’s parent/guardian
  • Inform administration of the incident
  • Document the circumstances surrounding the emergency and all actions taken for debriefing purposes.

Important Numbers:

  • School Nurse (during school day) – call main office
  • School Resource Officer (during school day) -918-399-7178 Cell 
  • Cleveland Police – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Mercy Ambulance Service – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Fire – 911 or 918-358-3112
  • Cleveland Area Hospital – 918-358-2501

Emergency Management Exercise Description/Debrief

Copy to be filed with Superintendent, Athletic Director, Site Principal, and City Emergency Responders within two weeks of date of event or drill.

Date of Event:  


Type of Event:

Staff in Charge:

Personnel participating in the Event:

Description of the event:


What worked well?

Improvements needed?

AED’s located at the red dots.