Over the course of the last 4 days our campus has seen an increase in seasonal viruses, flu, and COVID-19. Due to the increase in illnesses in students and staff, we are unable to have on campus instruction Friday, January 14th.
All sites will have a day of distance learning tomorrow, Friday, January 14th.
Please look to Remind, work students bring home from school today, and google classroom (for older students) for assignments students should complete tomorrow from home. Our staff will be available to answer any questions you may have, and you can reach your child’s teacher via Remind, email, or google meet (video chat).
We expected, and were prepared for a surge of cases after the holiday break, but it has been very rapid this week. This reflects what is happening throughout the state. As always, our goal is to provide in-person instruction for our students. It is never easy to make this decision, we hope that with a longer weekend due to MLK day off on Monday, we will be able to return to school on Tuesday, January 18th, with a full staff and all of our students back!
Please take note of the following information as it describes when you should keep your child home from school in the event of feeling sick or being diagnosed with a viral illness or bacterial infection. If these do apply to your child when we return to school, please call the school office so we can make note of your child’s illness and excuse the absence.
For Non-COVID Illnesses; your child can return to school when they have been fever and/or vomit free without medication for 24 hours, AND (if applicable) a Doctor’s note releases your child to come to school.
For COVID-19 Positives; 5 days have passed since symptoms appeared AND symptoms are improving AND (if fever is present) you have been fever free for 24 hours without medication.
We are incredibly grateful to have already been on campus significantly more this year than last school year, we believe this to be a minor obstacle in what will continue to be a great year for our Tiger Family!
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