Interested in Foster Care?

NOTE: From time to time we are asked to pass along information from other Oklahoma Government Agencies. If you have questions or want to participate in the foster care program, please use the contact information below.

On any given day, over 8,000 children in the State of Oklahoma are in OKDHS custody. Children need to be in families, and there are not enough foster families across the state to serve children in their home communities, close to their biological families, friends and school systems. We need more foster parents in every community across the state, specifically families who are open-minded and will take teens, kids with special needs and sibling groups. These are the children who are hardest to place and who need special families willing to meet them where they are.

Foster parents don’t just foster children, they foster families too — helping parents and children become healthy and whole again. Families interested in learning more about how they can become a certified foster family in their local community can visit or call 1-800-376-9729. Interested Oklahomans may also visit to raise their hand and join the agency’s efforts to better serve the community through innovation and collaborative partnerships.